Sophie Horton.
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    Slitslotslut (detail), 1996.
    Knitted wool and plaster.
    60x900 cms

    Exhibited Showcase 3 at the Riverside Studios London 1997, Touching Matters Swiss Cottage Central Library London 1998 and in one person exhibition at Columbus University Georgia U.S.A. 2003.
  • Other "Objects" images >
  • Pick Me, Pick Me, 2017
  • Bataclan, 2017
  • Studio Shot, 2017
  • Sample for Mock Timber Framed Construction, 2010
  • Glow, 2009
  • Pillar, 2008
  • Shining, 2008
  • Friend, 2008
  • Critter, 2007
  • Flasher, 2007
  • Copse, 2003
  • Sail, 2003
  • Cuadrado, 2001
  • Pillows, 1998
  • Thames, 1998
  • Straight Laced, 1997
  • Mad Cow, 1996
  • Prod and Swellings, 1996
  • SlitSlotSlut, 1996
  • Zipped-Up, 1996
  • Corporate Lobby, 1990
  • De-Steeled, 1990
  • Project Slab, 1990
  • Rural Industry, 1990